.クリプトシールド 1.1 ランサムウェア (ファイルの削除と復号化) Ransomware alerts | February 7, 2017 | by George Smith A 1.1 CryptoShieldのバージョン 1.0 ransomware has been detected using the same .cryptoshield appendix on the files it…
.CryptoShield 1.0 ファイルウイルス–データの削除と復元 Ransomware alerts | February 2, 2017 | by George Smith .cryptoshieldファイル拡張子を使用し、CryptoWallを模倣したウイルスが公開されました, infecting multiple computer systems…
.暴力的な身代金はありません (ファイルを復元し、ウイルスを削除します) Ransomware alerts | 1月 18, 2017 | by George Smith ウイルス, named Hakuna Matata has been spotted by malware researchers to use RSA-2048 and AES-256 ciphers to encrypt the…
.おっとファイルランサムウェア–暗号化されたファイルを削除して復号化します Ransomware alerts | 1月 13, 2017 | by George Smith マールボロランサムウェアウイルス, known by many as the .oops virus has been reported to increasingly target and infect users on…
Locky .zzzzz Ransomware Using Different New Tactics to Spread Ransomware alerts | 十一月 30, 2016 | by George Smith News broke out, that the latest 2016 version of Locky ransomware using the .zzzzz file extension has been spotter to…
Cerber Ransowmare 5.0.1 – Remove It and Restore Your Files Ransomware alerts | 十一月 29, 2016 | by George Smith The distributors behind one of the largest ransomware viruses out there – Cerber, are responsible for another iteration related to…
サーバー 4.1.6 Virus – Remove It and Get Encrypted Files Back Ransomware alerts | 十一月 23, 2016 | by George Smith Yet another version of the Cerber Ransomware has been released out into the wild web to wreak havoc for profit.…
Fix .XTBL Files Encrypted by Savepanda Ransomware Ransomware alerts | 十一月 16, 2016 | by George Smith ランサムウェアウイルス, that belongs to the CrySiS variants using the e-mail savepanda@india.com and the .xtbl suffix as file extensions to…
コンピュータからRazyRansomwareの新しいバージョンを排除する Ransomware alerts | 十一月 16, 2016 | by George Smith The Razy virus has been released in an updated variant which also uses AES encryption cipher to encode the files…
NoMoneyNoHoney Ransomware Delete It and Decrypt Files Ransomware alerts | 十一月 4, 2016 | by George Smith A virus that encrypts files adding nomoneynohoney@india.com as a file extension to them and then asks a ransom payoff for…
Remove .thor Locky Encryptor Virus and Get the Files Back Ransomware alerts | 十一月 2, 2016 | by George Smith The newest iteration of Locky ransomware using the thor file extension continues to evolve and infect, using newer and newer…
Locky .thor Virus Remove It and Restore Your Files Ransomware alerts | October 28, 2016 | by George Smith New version of the notorious Locky ransomware has appeared, appending the .thor file extension. The variant immediately popped out after…
TeslaCrypt Ransomware Deciphered. Cisco Systems Develop Recovery Tool WINDOWS Viruses | 4月 29, 2015 | by cfoc As CFOC has reported multiple times, ransomware is one of the popular threats in the last couple of years. Both…
CryptoLocker Ransomware Targets Australian Businesses Online Security | March 10, 2015 | by cfoc CryptoLocker is probably the most malicious ransomware that has been around since 2013. It targets all Windows versions through asymmetric…