The Cryptoblock ransomware is a dangerous new virus strain which uses a non-standard file renaming scheme to rename the compromised…
A new version of Petya ransomware has surfaced out into the open after it’s younger sister – Mischa ransomware. ザ・…
We have tracked down yet another version of the notorious Cerber ransomware being released, very similar to the first version…
News broke out, that the latest 2016 version of Locky ransomware using the .zzzzz file extension has been spotter to…
An unsolicited email address is spreading a new ransomware infection that experts have called Dharma. When Dharma attacks, it…
The distributors behind one of the largest ransomware viruses out there – Cerber, are responsible for another iteration related to…
Yet another version of the notorious Locky has been released. It is most likely an updated variant of the .aesir…
Yet another version of the Cerber Ransomware has been released out into the wild web to wreak havoc for profit.…
Lockyランサムウェアが再び戻ってきました, 今回は被害者のファイルに.aesir拡張子を追加します. It appears that the…
ランサムウェアウイルス, that belongs to the CrySiS variants using the e-mail and the .xtbl suffix as file extensions to…
The Razy virus has been released in an updated variant which also uses AES encryption cipher to encode the files…
Paysafe Generator 2016 は、PC全体を使用できなくする可能性のある独自のファイルエンコーディングトロイの木馬です。. このランサムウェアの開発者,…
IRansom is a file-encrypting Trojan that makes the files of the innocent victim unreadable. This cryptomalware appends ‘.locked’ as an…
サーバー 4.1.5 is feared ransomware that may lock your whole computer until you pay a ransom for it. This cyber…
Fuck Society is a stealthy cyber threat that enters unnoticed and then locks all personal data hosted on the PC.…