Computers on Focus - Online Security Guide

05:41 am
24 October 2024

Jamie Oliver’s website compromised for a third time

Jamie Oliver’s website compromised for a third time

The website of Jamie Oliver, a popular British TV chef, has been compromised by malware for a third time in four months.

Malwarebytes is the security company that detected all three of the threats, and according to them, the latest exploit is similar to the previous ones. The malicious code redirects to Fiesta exploit kit (EK) which looks for vulnerabilities in browser plugins Flash and Java. What’s common among all three is that once visitors open, they are redirected to malicious software which infiltrates their PCs.

Considering the method used by the malware, experts assume that the cybercriminals spread Gootkit, which hides in the computer’s memory in order to evade detection.

The team in charge of have acknowledged the issue and are working on fixing the problem once and for all.

Malware experts recommend users to update their browser plugins and always keep their security software up-to-date because this is the main reason why such drive-by attacks are successful. They act in the background and don’t raise any suspicions until it’s too late.

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