SweetPage Removal Guide | CFOC.ORG

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07:51 am
19 March 2025

SweetPage Removal Guide

SweetPage Removal Guide

Sweet-page.com is a search engine that has been categorized as a browser hijacker and because of that we recommend that you avoid downloading it or remove it immediately should you already have it.


Nothing Sweet about SweetPage

SweetPage is not a threat on its own. The harm, it may cause to your system, is due to exposing your computer to outer threats. And here’s the why and the how:

  • お使いのシステムに一度, SweetPage hijacks your default browser and alters the DNS settings.
  • Your home page and default search engine are replaced by its official page – sweetpage.com – and you will be redirected either to this page or other malicious websites which are completely irrelevant to your searches.
  • SweetPage will start displaying loads of pop-up ads that may disturb your browsing routine. By clicking on any of the ads, you will be redirected to potentially unsafe websites, which may then open backdoors for various malware to enter your system.
  • The browser hijacker may track and collect information related to your browsing habits, and then share it with third parties for advertising purposes.
  • Although you can personally download it from its official website, it can still enter your PC without your knowledge. That is possible when you download freeware that is bundled with SweetPage. The bundling is usually mentioned during the installation process but because you have not manually opted-out of the bundled deal, you have ended up with the freeware and a browser hijacker.
  • SweetPage uses customized Yahoo! Search engine so depending on your search, you will receive results from news.search.yahoo.co, search.yahoo.com, video.search.yahoo.com or images.search.yahoo.com.

What Is the Purpose of SweetPage?

Sweetpage is used mostly by advertising agencies that need information about your needs and browsing routine. The browser hijacker is also used to generate traffic to specific websites to which you are being redirected by clicking on the pop-ups on your screen.

How to Remove SweetPage?

It’s best that you always pay attention to whatever you are downloading on your computer, especially free applications. Make sure you select the “advanced” or “custom” installation options and manually disallow anything related to bundling or additional software. Do not bluntly accept the “recommend”-ed option.

“Bundling” is a method used by adware creators to sneak the application in your system without your knowledge. 通常, the adware is attached to freeware such as plug-ins, 例えば, but that is mentioned during the installation process which users rarely pay attention to.

もし、あんたが, しかしながら, already have SweetPage in your system, it’s best to remove it immediately. You can do so manually or by finding a trustworthy anti-malware program.

SpyHunterの無料版のみすべての可能な脅威を検出するためにコンピュータをスキャンします. お使いのコンピュータから完全に削除するには, そのフルバージョンを購入. スパイハンターマルウェア除去ツールの追加情報.

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