Read this article to learn how to remove the fake scam message “ウイルス” from your computer and how to protect it in the future as well.
A new fake tech support scam has been detected, known as the “ウイルス”. The scam displays fake messages and aims to trick you into opening a fake program or click on a link. Experts advise not to trust the message and the software, because they may only take your money while only pretending to remove malware from your computer. Instead it is strongly advisable to remove the scam by reading the article below.
脅威の名前 | Facebook "ウイルス" |
カテゴリー | Facebook virus. |
主な活動 | Aims to trick victims to visit an unsafe site.. |
プレゼンスの兆し | Messages, related to the scam itself.. |
展開する | 悪質な電子メールのスパムや感染ツールのセットを介して. |
検出+削除 | DOWNLOAD REMOVAL TOOL FOR Facebook "ウイルス" |
ファイルの回復 | データ復旧ソフトウェアをダウンロードしてください, to see how many files encrypted by Facebook "ウイルス" あなたが回復することができるランサムウェア. |
What Is Pop-up?
If you get a pop-up message saying your system has “critical security vulnerabilities” and wants you to download an application, then you have encountered one of many online scams. This purpose of this pop-up is to mislead users. Although it will appear on a website that claims it is associated with Norton Antivirus, this is not the case. There are a couple of instances in which this pop-up can appear on your computer: either you have been browsing unsafe websites, or there is some kind of unwanted program on your computer, such as a browser hijacker or adware. It is recommended that you remove the software that is generating the pop-up immediately.
What Does Pop-Up Do?
After you have been redirected to a certain website, this pop-up will appear. The website itself will display a fake warning, claiming that there are infections on your computer. It will recommend that you call a tech support hotline immediately. This is just a trick though. You should not call the number as you will be calling cyber criminals. If you do call, some sort of scam will definitely be attempted. There are a few things that they can try:
- They can ask you for your personal and financial information. So that you pay for their “services”.
- They can try to trick you into downloading some infection onto your computer.
- They will ask you to download and install screen-sharing software (Team Viewer, 例えば) that will grant them remote access to your computer.
You should not calling the hotline will do you no good. しかしながら, just ignoring it still will not prove enough to ensure your PC is safe. There are some measures that you will need to take if you do not want to worry about your system being compromised.
Where Did Pop-Up Come from?
In the best case scenario, this pop-up will appear when you browse unsafe websites, and to get rid of it you will simply have to change up your browsing habits a bit. しかしながら, if it keeps appearing over and over again no matter what websites you browse, then it is being generated by some unwanted program that has been installed on your computer. It goes without saying that you have to remove this application. しかしながら, you have to protect yourself against these as they may attract infections on your computer. These usually enter computer via bundled downloads. This is why it is not recommended that you download freeware from third-party websites. If you do, always opt for Advanced/Custom installation to prevent additional software from being installed.
How to Remove Pop-Up
これをする, you will have to remove the program that is redirecting you to the misleading website. Go to Control Panel, then to Uninstall a Program, find any unfamiliar applications, and remove them. If you have problems with this, then using a reliable antimalware program is the best thing to do. This will not only get rid of all unwanted software on your computer, but it will also keep protecting your system against virtual threats. こちらです, you can be sure that all of your sensitive data is safe at all times.
Preparation before removal of Facebook "ウイルス":
ステップ 1: セーフモードでコンピュータを再起動します:
ステップ 2: Cut out Facebook "ウイルス" タスクマネージャーで

ステップ 3: Eliminate Facebook "ウイルス"さん悪意のあるレジストリ.

ステップ 4: すべてのウイルスファイルをスキャン, related to Facebook "ウイルス" システムを保護します.
あなたは、である場合 セーフモード, ノーマルモードにブートバック そして、以下の手順に従ってください
フルバージョンにコミットする前に無料スキャンを実行することをお勧めします. あなたはマルウェアがSpyHunter最初によって検出されたことを確認する必要があります.