Cryptolocker3 Ransomware Virus Removal Guide | CFOC.ORG

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02:29 午後
10 1月 2025

Cryptolocker3 Ransomware Virus Removal Guide


Cryptolocker3 ransomware is a new malware virus that encrypts target user data and appends the .cryptolocker extension to the affected files. Learn how to restore your files and protect your computer from future threats by reading our removal guide.

About The Cryptolocker3 Ransomware

The virus creator staffttt who is famous for developing other famous malware threats has created the Cryptolocker3 ransomware. This is a new strain which impersonates the Cryptolocker family of viruses while being. Its actually an independent creation.

It uses the familiar infection behavior by encrypting target user file types with a strong cipher and extorting the computer victims for a ransomware sum payment. The affected files receive the .cryptolocker extension. The virus targets the following types of user file extensions:

All popular Microsoft Office documents, PDF files, various multimedia (写真, audio and video), データベース, 設定ファイルなど. 含む:
.bmp, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .htm, .html, .pdf, .png, .pub, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .pps, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pub, and .xml

In addition the virus employs a screenlocking fuction which adds additional pressure on the computer victims. This malware uses two separate ransomware note templates.

The first type reads the following message:

Your Personal files are encrypted!

Your personal files encryption produced on this computer photos, ビデオ, ドキュメント, 等. Encryption was produced using a unique public key RSA-2048 generated for this computer.
The single copy of the private key, which will allow to decrypt the files located on a secret server on the Internet, the server will destroy the key after a time specified in this window. After that, nobody and never will be able to restore files…
To obtain the private key for this computer, which will automatically decrypt files, you need to pay 0,5 bitcoin.
You can easily delete this software, but know that without it, you-will never be able to get your original files back.
Disable your antivirus to prevent the removal of this software.
For more information on how to buy and send bitcoins, click ‘Pay with Bitcoin’
To open a list of encoded files, click ‘Show files’
Private key will be destroyed on 31/12/2016
button ‘Show files’
button ‘Pay with Bitcoin’

Ther other note has the following contents:

Your Personal files are encrypted!
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency where creation and transfer of bitcoins is based on an open-source cryptographic protocol that is independent of any central autority.
Bitcoms can be transferred through a computer or smartphone without an intermediate financial institution.
If you do not have Bitcoins, you must exchange them, we recommended:
Also see information about buying here.
Send 0.5 BTC to Bitcoin address: 15PCcoNeo***
また, you can directly exchange Bitcoins to this address. This is a private address associated with this order.
後 4-6 confirmations of your bitcoin transaction (takes up to 30 min), this software will automatically decrypt your files. Make sure that your internet connection active, and do not close this windows.
Private key will be destroyed on 31/12/2016
button ‘Show files’
button ‘Pay with Bitcoin’

As you can see the requested ransomware fee is 0.5 ビットコイン.

How Does The Cryptolocker3 Ransomware Infect Computers

The Cryptolocker3 ransomware is primarily distributed by spam email messages. The computer criminals use various types of social engineering schemes to trick the victims into downloading and executing infected binary files.

Other ways of getting infected by the virus is to download the virus directly from untrusted download sites or BitTorrent trackers.

How To Remove The Cryptolocker3 Ransomware and Recover Affected Files

信頼できるスパイウェア対策ソリューションを使用して、アクティブな感染を除去し、コンピューターを保護できます .

DOWNLOAD REMOVAL TOOL FOR Cryptolocker3 Ransomware
SpyHunterの無料版のみすべての可能な脅威を検出するためにコンピュータをスキャンします. お使いのコンピュータから完全に削除するには, そのフルバージョンを購入. スパイハンターマルウェア除去ツールの追加情報/SpyHunterのアンインストール手順

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