Computers on Focus - Online Security Guide

02:43 am
27 July 2024

How to Remove “Virus” from Your PC

Read this article to learn how to remove the browser hijacker from your computer and protect it against future infections as well.

If your web browser has received a new homepage, called, it is likely that you have been affected by a browser hijacking software, using this hoax search engine as a pretext. This browser hijacker has a very clear purpose – do display you ad-supported banners, pop-ups, search results and even cause browser redirects on your computer to third-party websites. It may also collect some information from your computer, but the software is classified as a low-level threat. What is more, programs, like the PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) have the ability to legitimize what they are doing by posting privacy policies that are shady and first claim to not collect information, but later deny it. Since the app is classified as generally unsafe, it is strongly advisable to focus on removing it from your computer.

Threat Name
Category Potentially Unwanted Program.
Main Activity Slithers onto your computer and displays a lot of third-party advertisements which may even infect your PC with malware.
Signs of Presence Slow PC, changed browser settings, a lot of different advertisements.
Spread Via malicious e-mail spam and set of infection tools.

What Risk Do Programs Like Pose?

Software, like is not the type you would necessarily prefer to have on your computer. The main reasons for that is that it may execute some activities on it that are unwanted:

  • may collect your IP address and other information from your computer.
  • It may track your browser history, online clicks as well as other details of your browsing behavior to display targeted advertisements to you.
  • may execute multiple functions that may result in the significant slowing down of your PC’s performance.

It may cause browser redirects to any types of websites it wishes, making it a hazardous program to keep on your PC.

How Does Install Itself on Your PC?

The main method by which suspicious apps, like are slithered onto your computer, is via entering through what many know as software bundling. This particular type of including the program in the installer of a third-party software is very effective, because most unsuspecting users do notice it. Imagine that you are in a hurry and download an application, like your favorite movie player from a site you are not familiar with. In the installation steps of this free program, the‘s install prompt may be hidden somewhere in those install steps, advertised as a “useful extra”, but there may be nothing useful in it.

How Do I Get Rid of Redirects?

There is more than one way to delete the unwanted program from your computer. But bear in mind that not all methods are effective, as many complain comes back on the affected PC after some time. This is why it is advisable to follow the removal steps below, in order to make sure that you fully erase all files and objects, created by software on your computer system and protect it against future programs like this one.

Booting in Safe Mode

For Windows:
1) Hold Windows Key and R
2) A run Window will appear, in it type “msconfig” and hit Enter
3) After the Window appears go to the Boot tab and select Safe Boot

Cut out in Task Manager

1) Press CTRL+ESC+SHIFT at the same time.
2) Locate the “Processes” tab.
3) Locate the malicious process of, and end it’s task by right-clicking on it and clicking on “End Process”

Eliminate‘s Malicious Registries

For most Windows variants:
1) Hold Windows Button and R.
2) In the “Run” box type “Regedit” and hit “Enter”.
3) Hold CTRL+F keys and type or the file name of the malicious executable of the virus which is usually located in %AppData%, %Temp%, %Local%, %Roaming% or %SystemDrive%.
4) After having located malicious registry objects, some of which are usually in the Run and RunOnce subkeys delete them ermanently and restart your computer. Here is how to find and delete keys for different versions.
For Windows 7: Open the Start Menu and in the search type and type regedit –> Open it. –> Hold CTRL + F buttons –> Type Virus in the search field.
Win 8/10 users: Start Button –> Choose Run –> type regedit –> Hit Enter -> Press CTRL + F buttons. Type in the search field.

Automatic Removal of

The free version of SpyHunter will only scan your computer to detect any possible threats. To remove them permanently from your computer, purchase its full version. Spy Hunter malware removal tool additional information/SpyHunter Uninstall Instructions

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