Computers on Focus - Online Security Guide

03:21 am
27 July 2024

“Hi perv. I recorded you masturbating!” Scam “Virus” – Remove It

This post has been created to best explain what is the Hi perv scam and show you how you can prevent it in the future plus remove it from your computer completely.

A new e-mail scam, accusing victims of being “pervs” has been detected in a massive cyber-extortion scheme. The scam sends an e-mail to victims, accusing them of being watching materials of adult content and asking them to pay a huge sum of money in BitCoins in order to get the crooks to delete the content. If you have received the “Hi perv” message, we would strongly suggest that you not trust it and read this article as it contains more information on this scam and aims to show you ways via which you can stop any malware that may be related to it from infecting your computer.

You are probably wondering how cybercriminals exactly aim to scam people with this e-mail, when all users are doing is to send BitCoins. Spam messages can be sent to all who may have been affected in some way or have a BitCoin wallet. The scammers may or may not claim that the person has participated in some sort of illegal activity. Echter, it is very likely for the scam to also contain a link to a malicious website that may have already compromised your computer. There you can be asked to fill out a survey, which then can be sold to other cybercriminals. Another possibility is that your computer becomes a target for infection as a result of this scam, and you definitely do not want this to happen.

You should always avoid suspicious pages such as this. Keep in mind that this is not the only scam page out there. There will be more, and new ones will pop up in the future. If you encounter one again, it is best to report it to Facebook, and let them sort it out before it is too late, and too many people get involved.

Threat Name "Hi Perv" Scam Virus
Category Trojan Horse, Scam, E-mail spam.
Main Activity Aims to scam you into paying BitCoin, but may also infect the computer via e-mail and may steal your information or install a Trojan.
Signs of Presence A new registry entry created and files dropped in Windows’ system folders.
Spread Via e-mail.
Detection+Removal DOWNLOAD REMOVAL TOOL FOR "Hi Perv" Scam Virus

Note!For Mac users, please use the following instructions.

What Harm Can "Hi Perv" Scam Virus Trojan Do to My PC?

In this digital age, Trojan horses can be very significant not only to your computer, but to you as well. Since most users keep their important files on computers, all of their crucial information becomes at risk. This means that your personal ID number or other financial data that you may have used on a computer infected by _ Trojan can be compromised and used for malicious purposes. This is the primary reason why this threat should be dealt with immediately.

The reason why Trojans, like the "Hi Perv" Scam Virus Scam associated Trojan are a significant threat, is that it has multiple different malicious functions that are utilized on your computer. The features of a Trojan may vary, depending on what type it is, but it is safe to assume that the _ Trojan can do the following on your PC:

  • Steal the passwords from the computer and obtain the keystrokes from it via Keyloggers.
  • Destroy data on your computer, like delete files. This may even result in damaging your Windows.
  • Remotely monitor your activity. This means that whatever you do and see on your screen, the hacker who infected you can also see.
  • Disable your Windows operating system via a DDoS attack (Denial of Service).
  • Use your system’s resources (CPU and Video Card) to mine cryptocurrencies, like BitCoin.
  • Harvest system data and login information automatically from your web browsers.
  • Install other viruses on your computer which may cause even more damage.
  • Display fake tech support screens that can lure you into a scam.

The scams themselves come via the following message:

Hello, Perv.
You’ve been looking at porn sites recently .
One at them had my virus on it .
When u started its video, your computer downloaded and launched my malicious software.
After that, I started your camera and recorded a video at u masturbating .
I’ve gathered all its contacts from your computer.
After that, I put together a video at your Masturbation and added videos with child porn.
In my version at its video, u masturbate to sex with kids.

I’m giving u its opportunity to save your life!
Below I will provide u with its address at My bitcoin wallet.

Send me 500 EURO in BTC.

BTC wlt – 1Pdf1QMXH7e9957vhMskAFKQNi79eoa9Rm
(If you don’t know what bitcoin / write to buy bitcoin in Google)

You have 24 hours after reading its letter.
As soon as my wallet receives its payment , its system will automatically destroy all its dirt that I made.
If u need more time , open its notebook and write ” Plz 48″
In that case , u’ll have 48 hours to send me its money.
If after a time, I do not see its money in my wallet .
I’ll send my dirt to all your colleagues and friends right away.
I can see everything u’re doing on your computer , so don’t try to trick me.
If I understand that u’re just stalling, I will immediately send dirt on your contacts!
Hurry u have little time, save your life!

A second variation of this email message is also detected by researchers. It states the following:

LAST WARNING [e-mail address]!

You have the last chance to save your life – I am not kidding!!

I give you the last 72 hours to make the payment before I send the video
with your masturbation to all your friends and associates.

The last time you visited a erotic website with young Teens, you downloaded
and installed software I developed.

My program has turned on your camera and recorded the full process of your
masturbation and video you were masturbating to. My software has also
downloaded all your email contact lists and a list of your friends on

I have both the vo6rzcem.mp4 with your masturbation as well as a file with
all your contacts on my hard drive.
You are very perverted!

If you want me to delete both the files and keep the secret, you must send
me Bitcoin payment. I give you last 72 hours.
If you don’t know how to send Bitcoins, visit Google.

Send 2.000 EUR to this Bitcoin address immediately:

1 BTC = 3.185 EUR, so send exactly 0.628012 BTC to the address above.

Do not try to cheat me! As soon as you open this Email I will know you
opened it.

This Bitcoin address is linked to you only, so I will know if you sent the
correct amount.
If you don’t send the payment, I will send your masturbation video to all
your friends from your contact list I hacked.

Here are the payment details again:

Send 0.628012 BTC to this Bitcoin address:


You саn visit police but nobody will help you.
I don’t live in your country.

Don’t cheat me! Don’t forget the shame and if you ignore this message your
life will be ruined.

I am waiting for your Bitcoin payment.

Anonymous Hacker

Another version of it has the following contents:

Dear Megan Schwartz
You саn easily gеt off – ( DEB ) dеliverеd bу participant with the number:801

Wе аrе nоt going to steal а lot оf time… Take it sеriouslу. Our grоup will not ruin уоur life if уou go tо a deal with us.
Thеrе аrе tоо many variоus spесificatiоns аbоut sесurity оn thе web spаce- prохy , install thе latest system protеctors, closе camеrаs with а scotch. But it was nеgleсtеd bу yоu.
I соuntеd sоmething about 1100 сomputеrs which emplаced mу malwarе…
It was implеmentеd on fаkеd site of flаsh plug-in. Pеоplе dоwnloаdеd it аnd did not suspect any dаngеr, bесаuse this sоftwаrе is nеcеssarу for all devices to process vidеos in wеb…
You wеrе not ехception and nоw also havе big prоblems.
Our inbuilt pаrser respоndеd to wеb-pаges with pоrn thаt уou wеre visiting. Dirесtlу аftеr yоu clickеd on а plаy buttоn the malwarе turned оn thе web-camera tо shооt you pауing with yоurself. Latеr thе соmputеr worm made a соpу of thе mоvie which you wеrе watching оn уоur dеviсе. With the hеlp of fоrmgrаbber delеtеd coockiеs and stolеn all pаsswоrds from уour soсial mеdia which уou hаvе visitеd frоm last Tuesdaу. I mаde а соpу оf your contаcts with your mаtеs.
Lеt’s put it all tоgethеr… wе have vid with уоu paуing with уoursеlf; соntасts with yоur matesand moviе that уоu were watching оn thе deviсe.
If you dо not want to bе dishоnоred just sеnd me 450 united statеs dоllаrs with bitсoin.
It is my wallet number – 1425bbFBXW81ycj25PYMtRQtHKPVxfqgxj
Deсidе yourself: bеcоme pоpulаr or pay this little sum to sаfе уоur social status.
Cоps cаnt help. We use bоt netwоrk, mоreоvеr I live аbroad. Yоu cant find my ip in а hеаdеr оf this mеssage.
For sоmе quеstions just replу.
Think twiсе.

How to Spot and Fully Eliminate the "Hi Perv" Scam Virus Scam – Related Malware?

The primary method which you can use to detect a Trojan is to analyze hidden processes on your computer. This is achievable by downloading process monitoring apps, like Process Explorer. However, you will have to have a trained eye on how to detect the malicious processes and how to remove those without damaging your computer. This is why, as a swift solution, a Trojan-specific removal tool should be used, according to security experts. Such removal software will automatically scan for Trojans like "Hi Perv" Scam Virus and get rid of them quickly and safely while protecting your computer against threats in the fut

“Hi perv” E-mail Scam – How to Protect Yourself?

Users generally know how to indicate a scam, but since it is redistributed via e-mail likely by fake e-mails of trusted individuals in your Friends list, attention should be paid to it. And in case you happen to be redirected to such malicious websites that may cause severe damage to your PC and you wallet, it is highly recommended to seek professional software that detects and blocks such frauds.

Watch out for any posts that indicate recent events and always check the website link that you are being redirected to since this can lead to locations where potential attackers might be waiting to infect your computer. The worst case scenario is contamination with a Ransomware Trojan Horse that encrypts your data and asks for a fee to decrypt it.

Preparation before removal of "Hi Perv" Scam Virus:

1.Make sure to backup your files.
2.Make sure to have this instructions page always open so that you can follow the steps.
3.Be patient as the removal may take some time.

Step 1: Reboot your computer in Safe Mode:

1) Hold Windows Key and R
2) A run Window will appear, in it type “msconfig” and hit Enter
3) After the Window appears go to the Boot tab and select Safe Boot

Step 2: Cut out "Hi Perv" Scam Virus in Task Manager

1) Press CTRL+ESC+SHIFT at the same time.
2)Locate the “Details” tab and find malicious process of "Hi Perv" Scam Virus. Right-click on it and click on “End Process”.

Step 3: Eliminate "Hi Perv" Scam Virus‘s Malicious Registries.

For most Windows variants:

1) Hold Windows Button and R. In the “Run” box type “regedit” and hit “Enter”.
2) Hold CTRL+F keys and type "Hi Perv" Scam Virus or the file name of the malicious executable of the virus which is usually located in %AppData%, %Temp%, %Local%, %Roaming% or %SystemDrive%. Usually, most viruses tend to set entries with random names in the “Run” and “RunOnce” sub-keys.
3) You can also find the virus’s malicious files by right-clicking on the value and seeing it’s data. After having located malicious registry objects, some of which are usually in the Run and RunOnce subkeys delete them permanently and restart your computer. Here is how to find and delete keys for different versions.

Step 4: Scan for and remove all virus files, related to "Hi Perv" Scam Virus and secure your system.

If you are in Safe Mode, boot back into normal mode and follow the steps below

1)Click on the button to download SpyHunter’s installer.
It is advisable to run a free scan before committing to the full version. You should make sure that the malware is detected by SpyHunter first.

The free version of SpyHunter will only scan your computer to detect any possible threats. To remove them permanently from your computer, purchase its full version. Spy Hunter malware removal tool additional information/SpyHunter Uninstall Instructions

2) Guide yourself by the download instructions provided for each browser.

3) After you have installed SpyHunter, wait for the program to update.

4) If the program does not start to scan automatically, click on the “Start Scan” button.

5) After SpyHunter has completed with your system`s scan, click on the “Next” button to clear it.

6) Once your computer is clean, it is advisable to restart it.

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