Spam Operation Exploited 750,000 Twitter Accounts to Promote a Diet Pill Online Security | March 26, 2015 | by George Smith For over a year, a single man has been conducting an extensive spamming operation which end goal was promoting a…
Instagram API’s New Bug Could Enable Attackers to Spread Malware Online Security | March 25, 2015 | by George Smith A new bug in the Instagram API has just been located. The Instagram API has been on the spot for…
CryptoLocker-v3 Ransomware Hits Europe and USA WINDOWS Viruses | March 24, 2015 | by George Smith Malware researchers have reported yet another version of the tireless CryptoLocker ransomware. The CryptoLocker-v3 ransomware has been detected in both…
Anti-Censorship Activist Group Under DDoS Attack Online Security | March 20, 2015 | by George Smith, a group of activists dedicated to bringing transparency to the Great Firewall of China, have just experienced their first…
VaultCrypt Takes Advantage of the Non-Proprietary Software GnuPG Online Security | March 19, 2015 | by George Smith The VaultCrypt is one of the ransomware threats that have begun to rely heavily on free codes to encrypt data…
Ziprick & Cramer Hit by Ransomware, Workstation Encrypted Online Security | March 4, 2015 | by George Smith The law company Ziprick & Cramer was infected by ransomware through a computer belonging to it. The ransomware came with…
Google Play Apps With Aggressive Adware Online Security | February 27, 2015 | by George Smith Recently Bitdefender has discovered 10 apps from Google Play which have been packed with aggressive adware. That adware does two…
Turla-like Malware for Linux Finally Detected (Update 2019) Online Security | December 10, 2014 | by George Smith Security experts recently detected a piece of malware targeting Linux, which appears to be part of the well-known Turla malware…