Computers on Focus - Online Security Guide

02:34 am
27 July 2024

“ATTENTION! You are screwed now” Scam – WHAT IS IT + Remove It

What is the “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” e-mail scam? can “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam infect your computer with malware? How to remove the “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam and any viruses that may be related to it?

A new form of e-mail scam was recently detected by security researchers. The scam sends e-mails to specific set of potential victims. It aims to extort you into paying the crooks BitCoin, because they have supposedly recorded you in doing something that is not right. If you have seen those messages, be advised that the scammers may have your information because of a leak happening on your computer. Such leaks could occur because of tracking technologies such as cookies, geo-locators and other forms of tags, could be added on your PC via adware, or you could have a potential malware problem you may not know about. Read this article to understand more about the “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam and how you can avoid any data leaks and Trojans in the future too.

Threat Name “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam
Category Trojan Horse/E-Mail Scam.
Main Activity Causes spam e-mails containing extortion information extracted via trackers or a Trojan that could be residing on your computer..
Signs of Presence E-mails, containing the scam message.
Spread Via malicious e-mail spam and set of infection tools.
Detection+Removal DOWNLOAD REMOVAL TOOL FOR “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam

Note!For Mac users, please use the following instructions.

What Harm Can “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam – Related Trojan Do to My PC?

In this digital age, Trojan horses can be very significant not only to your computer, but to you as well. Since most users keep their important files on computers, all of their crucial information becomes at risk. This means that your personal ID number or other financial data that you may have used on a computer infected by “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam can be compromised and used for malicious purposes. This is the primary reason why this threat should be dealt with immediately.

The reason why Trojans, like the “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam Trojan are a significant threat, is that it has multiple different malicious functions that are utilised on your computer. The features of a Trojan may vary, depending on what type it is, but it is safe to assume that the “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam Trojan can do the following on your PC:

  • Steal the passwords from the computer and obtain the keystrokes from it via Keyloggers.
  • Destroy data on your computer, like delete files. This may even result in damaging your Windows.
  • Remotely monitor your activity. This means that whatever you do and see on your screen, the hacker who infected you can also see.
  • Disable your Windows operating system via a DDoS attack (Denial of Service).
  • Use your system’s resources (CPU and Video Card) to mine cryptocurrencies, like BitCoin.
  • Harvest system data and login information automatically from your web browsers.
  • Install other viruses on your computer which may cause even more damage.
  • Display fake tech support screens that can lure you into a scam.

The contents of the e-mail itself are the following:

Do I have your attention?
You are really screwed now and you better read this… !

Your device was recently infected with a software I developed,
and now you have a problem you need to solve,
because it has gone too far..

You probably noticed your device is acting strangely lately.
That’s because you downloaded a nasty software I created
while you were browsing the Ƿornographic website…

The software automatically:
1) Started your Ƈamera and begun recoding you,
uploading the footage to my server…
2) Recording your device screen
3) Copied all your contact lists from mail program, facebook
and your device chain
4) Started logging what you write

The problem is that it has cought you while you have been
ʍasturbating.. and I didn’t plan to see that.. but I did.

I now have the Support.mp4 file with you
ʍasturbating to this hardcore stuff… ugly!! :(( ????

Let me get straight to the point.

If you do not do what I ask you now, I will upload this
ugly video file with you … and the stuff you were watching
to several video upload sites and I will send the links
to all your friends, family members and associates.

I am sure they will not like what they will see and I am
also sure you don’t want me to do that, right ?

So do you want me to uninstall the nasty software from
your device and stop recording you?
Do you want me to forget about this whole issue??

I think 2,000 USD is a fair price for my silence. I know you
can handle to send me this money – and it is enough for
me to get lost. So how do you send the cash?? Bitcoin.

I checked right now and 1 Bitcoin is worth 4,960 bucks.

Send exactly 0.403697 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet.

This is my Bitcoin wallet address:

If you do not know how to send cash using bitcoin,
type ‘how to buy bitcoin’ in google. There’s plenty
of guides.

Ok.. so what if you decide not to pay ?
Well if you want to test my patience – go on.
I will destroy your social life, you can count on that.

You think that visiting Police is a good idea ? Nope.
I don’t live in your country and I know how to stay
Anonymous. I will send the compromising video to
everyone you know!

Just send me the 2,000 USD and we forget about
the whole thing. I have family to feed too.

Send 2,000 USD worth of bitcoin to this address:

0.403697 BTC
to this address:


(copy and paste it – it’s cAsE sensitive)

After you send the money to my wallet (exact
amount!) – I will see it and I will remove the video
and deactivate the rec software.

I give you 5 days only to send the transfer..

The time starts ticking after you open this letter
(I included a pixel in this message and I will
know when you read it).

Don’t try to contact me – I am using an untracable
email to deliver this message to you.

I am waiting for your cash.
And don’t forget the shame if you ignore me.


How to Spot and Fully Eliminate the “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam – Related Trojan?

The primary method which you can use to detect a Trojan is to analyse hidden processes on your computer. This is achievable by downloading process monitoring apps, like Process Explorer to see where are the malicious processes. However, you will have to have a trained eye on how to detect the malicious processes and how to remove those without damaging your computer. This is why, as a swift solution, a Trojan-specific removal tool should be used, according to security experts. Such automated removal software will automatically scan for Trojans like “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam and get rid of them quickly and safely while protecting your computer against threats in the future.

Removal Instructions for “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam – Related Trojan

If you want to remove “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam, we strongly recommend that you first backup your data, just in case something goes wrong. Then, you can follow the manual or automatic removal instructions below, depending on which type of steps suits you more. If you lack the experience and the confidence that you will remove “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam manually, then you should do what most experts would and save yourself some time by downloading and running a scan with an advanced anti-malware software. Such programs are created to quickly identify and remove threats and programs with intrusive behaviour, like “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam, plus they also aim to ensure that your system is protected against future intrusions as well.

Manual Removal of “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam

Booting in Safe Mode

For Windows:
1) Hold Windows Key and R
2) A run Window will appear, in it type “msconfig” and hit Enter
3) After the Window appears go to the Boot tab and select Safe Boot

Cut out “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam in Task Manager

1) Press CTRL+ESC+SHIFT at the same time.
2) Locate the “Processes” tab.
3) Locate the malicious process of “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam, and end it’s task by right-clicking on it and clicking on “End Process”

Eliminate “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam‘s Malicious Registries

For most Windows variants:
1) Hold Windows Button and R.
2) In the “Run” box type “Regedit” and hit “Enter”.
3) Hold CTRL+F keys and type “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam or the file name of the malicious executable of the virus which is usually located in %AppData%, %Temp%, %Local%, %Roaming% or %SystemDrive%.
4) After having located malicious registry objects, some of which are usually in the Run and RunOnce subkeys delete them ermanently and restart your computer. Here is how to find and delete keys for different versions.
For Windows 7: Open the Start Menu and in the search type and type regedit –> Open it. –> Hold CTRL + F buttons –> Type “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam Virus in the search field.
Win 8/10 users: Start Button –> Choose Run –> type regedit –> Hit Enter -> Press CTRL + F buttons. Type “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam in the search field.

Automatic Removal of “ATTENTION! You are screwed now” scam

If you are in Safe Mode, boot back into normal mode and follow the steps below
Step 1:Click on the button to download SpyHunter’s installer.

The free version of SpyHunter will only scan your computer to detect any possible threats. To remove them permanently from your computer, purchase its full version. Spy Hunter malware removal tool additional information/SpyHunter Uninstall Instructions

It is advisable to run a scan before committing to purchase the full version. You should make sure that the malware is detected by SpyHunter first.

Step 2: Guide yourself by the download instructions provided for each browser.

Step 3: After you have installed SpyHunter, wait for the program to update.

Step4: If the program does not start to scan automatically, click on the “Scan Computer Now” button.

Step5: After SpyHunter has completed with your system`s scan, click on the “Next” button to clear it.

Step6: Once your computer is clean, it is advisable to restart it.

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