Computers on Focus - Online Security Guide

08:34 pm
27 February 2025

indows Error Code 634 (0x27A) – ERROR_CORRUPT_SYSTEM_FILE – Remove It

Windows Error Code 634 (0x27A) – ERROR_CORRUPT_SYSTEM_FILE by default states – “{System Standby Failed} The driver %hs does not support standby mode. Updating this driver may allow the system to go to standby mode.” but it may be the after effect of several different causes. In case you see this error it is highrly recommended to act swiftly towards fixing it. Security experts believe that this System Error code may be an after effect of a program not functioning properly or malware activated on the computer.

What is Windows Error Code 634 (0x27A)

634 (0x27A) Is generally caused by corrupt registry files or a critical virus infection on your computer. Sometimes it may be caused by an outdated driver, a missing “.DLL” file or files. Another reason to see Windows Error Code 634 (0x27A) may be broken Windows files for which a special 634 (0x27A)repair tool is needed.

Symptoms of Having Windows 634 (0x27A)

The symptoms of 634 (0x27A) Error code that are regularly occurring may be problems with Windows Startup, slow performance of the PC. Other symptoms may also be system freezez, BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) alert and other. Due to Windows 634 (0x27A), Windows fails to identify and start some processes critical for the system to run uninterrupted.

How To Get Rid Of Windows Error 634 (0x27A)

In order to stop Windows Error Code 634 (0x27A) you need to use an advanced registry repairing software that is specially designed to solve problems like BSOD, system freezes, lost Windows objects stored in libraries, removing empty registry keys and erroneous registry values. An advanced registry scanning tool is highly recommended in order to repair Error Code 634 (0x27A) and help speed up Windows.

Step 1:Click on the button to download SpyHunter’s installer.

The free version of SpyHunter will only scan your computer to detect any possible threats. To remove them permanently from your computer, purchase its full version. Spy Hunter malware removal tool additional information / SpyHunter Uninstall Instructions

It is advisable to run a scan before committing to purchase the full version. You should make sure that the malware is detected by SpyHunter first.

Step 2: Guide yourself by the download instructions provided for each browser.

Step 3: After you have installed SpyHunter, wait for the program to update.


Step4: After this click on the “Scan Computer Now” button.


Step5: After SpyHunter has completed with your system`s scan, click on the “Fix Threats” button to clear it.


Step6: Once your computer is clean, it is advisable to restart it.

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